Mark Murrmann is an Oakland, CA based photographer who has been publishing zines since 1992.
When not taking pictures, Mark works on the other side of the desk as Photo Director at Mother Jones magazine. He also teaches photography at the Art Academy University in San Francisco. // 734-383-2323
Please do not use this email or phone number to contact Mark about Mother Jones.
•Show! 2, group show (Joy Gallery, San Francisco, 2022)
•Flatlands, solo show (Alto Beta, Altadena, 2022)
•Five Nine "Why Take Photographs?", group show (These Days, Los Angeles, 2022)
•Bystander, group show (Leica Gallery, San Francisco, 2018)
•San Francisco City Photography Club show (Photoworks, San Francisco, 2018)
•Art & Subculture of Zine Making, group show (Herron School of Art & Design, Basile Gallery, 2017)
•MOVE, group show (Seeing Things, San Jose, CA, 2014)
•Mess Me Up, solo show (1234 Go! Records, Oakland, CA, 2012)
•Sweat (Stains), solo show (Geo Kaye's, Oakland, CA, 2011)
•Sweat Stains, Beer, Cigarettes, group show (Stevens Center for the Arts, Mnpls, MN, 2011)
•Benign Neglect, group show (Stevens Center for the Arts, Mnpls, MN, 2010)
•Maximum Rocknroll, group show (curator; Needles & Pens, San Francisco, 2010)
•Trace Elements, Hamburger Eyes group show (SF Arts Commission, 2009)
•Live! Loud!, solo show (Hamburger Eyes gallery, San Francisco, 2008)
•Hamburger Eyes Inside Burger World book exhibit
–Power House Arena, New York, NY 2008
–Hamburger Eyes Gallery, San Francisco, CA 2008
–Hope Gallery, Los Angeles, CA 2008/9
–O.H.W.O.W. Gallery, Miami, FL 2009
•Everyday Shit, Man, group show (Inside-Outside Gallery, Cleveland, OH 2006)
•Invitation to a Hanging (Center for Photography, UC Berkeley, 2004)
Selected In Print
•Images in Transition – Wirephotos 1938-1945 (Schilt; 2019)
•SFCPC Zine (June 2018, 2019)
•Mother Jones "Behind the Scenes of Ear Hustle", (March/April 2018)
•Huck "Midwest Basement Band Scene of the '90s and '00s" (April 2018)
•The Street Is Watching, Drago Labs 2017
•Mother Jones "Valley Fever," and Daniel Handler portrait (Jan/Feb 2015)
•Lamono #96 "Cuts Like Steel" (May 2014)
•Mess Me Up photo zine, Hamburger Eyes (September 2012)
•Benign Neglect photo zine, Hamburger Eyes (October 2011)
•Sweat (Stains) photo zine, Hamburger Eyes (April 2011)
•Newsweek, Duvalier's return to Haiti (Jan 2011)
•Lüerzer's Archives 200 Best Advertising Photographers (2010/11)
•Maxium Rocknroll Photo Issue (editor; 2010)
•Live/Loud. Book of music photos, self-published (2009)
•Mother Jones, William Vollman portrait (July 2009)
•Hamburger Eyes: Inside Burger World, book (powerHouse, 2007)
•Sty Zine, self-published zine (1992 - 2000)
Instagram: @ickibod